Your routine for weight training probably makes you feel pretty good now. Mondays are bench, Thursdays are leg days, and there are plenty of protein shakes in between. gains everywhere.

However, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future when you will want to test out more sophisticated strategies, or “intensity techniques,” as they are frequently referred to. The traditional set/rep matrix can be altered in these ways to increase the intensity of an exercise or even an entire workout. Some of these may be familiar to those who have been doing this for some time. However, you will need to master the entire set of intensity techniques in order to really stretch your abilities and see significant gains.

But before you rush ahead, know this: We don’t recommend doing more than two of these moves at once during a workout. They put a lot of stress on your muscles and brain, so if you push it too hard with intensity techniques, you might get hurt or overtrain. However, we encourage you to try all of them as you progress. You’ll probably discover that some work better for you than others and are better suited to various exercises and body parts. Regardless, each of these methods should be part of your training arsenal for use in the future as you work toward your ultimate physique.

1. Superset

There is no break in between the two sets of different exercises. By definition, a superset is a set of exercises for various muscle groups (like the chest and back or the quads and shoulders). The only difference between a compound set and a standard set is that the exercises in a compound set all work for the same muscle group—for example, two bicep exercises or a chest press and tricep exercise.

Reasons to do it: to finish more work in less time while burning more calories. You can reduce rest time by half by super setting various muscle groups, which allows one body part to recover while the other works. When compound training the same muscle group, you can exhaust it completely, which is great for strengthening a weak spot. When compared to standard sets, supersets are found to increase calorie burn by about 35% during and after a workout.

What to do: Supersetting opposing muscle groups like the chest and back is a great way to improve muscular balance. Although pairing, say, shoulders and biceps isn’t necessarily a bad idea, this method always works because opposites attract. When compound-setting the same muscle group, the more difficult exercise is typically preferred.

2. Giant Set

Giant Set consists of four or more exercises that are performed consecutively for a single body part without a break in between. The official definition of a giant set only includes one muscle group—shoulders, chest, back, or legs—while a superset can include two.

Reasons to do it: to rapidly and significantly increase the volume and intensity of a single body part. One of the most aggressive ways to attack a weak spot in your body is with a big set because you’re not only increasing the intensity but also hitting the muscle group from a variety of angles.

What to do: When choosing exercises and a sequence for a giant set, it’s best to go from heaviest to lightest, just like when super setting a single body part. In other words, the exercise that allows you to lift the most weight should be done first, and then descend from there (unless you’re intentionally pre-exhausting to bring up a particular body part). Why? If isolated exercises are performed prior to compound moves, you will need to go much lighter on the latter in order to maximize the amount of weight lifted throughout the entirety of the giant set. This method should be used sparingly to avoid overtraining. Every set in a giant set is multiplied by at least four, so they always have a high volume.

Example: Shoulder Giant Set Routine
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press – 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps
Dumbbell Upright Row – 3-4 sets, 8-10 reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps
Dumbbell Bentover Lateral Raise – 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps

3. Dropset

What it is: a set in which the weight is immediately decreased after reaching failure with the initial load and reps are performed to failure once more. At this point, either the set is finished or multiple drop sets are done, in which the weight is reduced further and failure is reached each time.
Reasons to do it: With drop sets, you can work your muscles to the point of failure on a given exercise and continue working them through a set without stopping. This causes that muscle group to get tired more, which leads to better gains in size and definition. Dropsets are ideal if you have a weak area of your body that needs more work.

What to do: Choosing the right kind of exercise and losing the right amount of weight is crucial. You will only be able to complete a few more repetitions if any if you don’t reduce the resistance enough. However, if you drop too much weight, the technique won’t work as well on your muscles because they won’t be challenged enough. For example, if you failed at 10 reps with the first weight, you should fail at 8-10 reps on subsequent drop sets instead of 3-5.
As research confirms that this is the best weight range for optimizing results, a good rule of thumb is to decrease the weight by 20-30% for each drop sets. For instance, if you were performing bench presses with dumbbells weighing 80 pounds, you would switch to 55 or 60 pounds, then 35 or 40 pounds. Dumbbell, machine, and cable moves, which can be done quickly to reduce rest, are the best exercises for drop sets. A lighter set of dumbbells can be picked up in a matter of seconds. The pin can be moved to make quick changes on cables and machines as well.

Example: Bicep Dropset Routine
    •    Dumbbell Incline Curl – 3* sets, 8-10 reps. Rest 2-3 min.
    •    Cable EZ-bar Curl – 3* sets, 8-10 reps. Rest 2 min.
    •    Preacher Curl – 3* sets, 12-15 reps. Rest 2 min.

4. Partial Rep

How it works: A technique in which you perform reps below your full range of motion (ROM), usually at the end of a set when strict reps are physically impossible because you are too tired to lift the weight past your “sticking point.”

Reasons to do it: because you prefer not to rest, reduce weight, or finish the set yet. Even though partials can help you seamlessly extend a set to fatigue your muscle fibers even more, even if it’s just in the bottom or top half of the movement, achieving full ROM is always recommended.
What to do: A complete ROM is still used for the majority of the set. Taking biceps curls as an illustration, let’s say you select a weight that you can do for 10 strict reps. When you reach failure and are unable to move the bar past a certain point, simply perform reps in which you lift the weight as high as you can.

Example: Legs Routine
    •    Squat – 4 sets, 8-10 reps*. Rest 2 min.
    •    Leg press – 3 sets, 10-12 reps*. Rest 2 min.
    •    Leg Extension – 3 sets, 12-15 reps*. Rest 1-2 min.
    •    Leg Curl – 3 sets, 12-15 reps*. Rest 1-2 min.

5. Forced Rep

What is it? a method in which, when a set reaches failure, a spotter helps lift the weight so that you can continue the set and get past your sticking point.

Reasons to do it: Forced reps are found to raise growth hormone (GH) levels more than sets that are performed only for muscle failure, according to research. The pituitary gland produces this anabolic hormone, which is essential for the development of muscle and bone. Studies have demonstrated that athletes who perform forced reps lose more body fat than those who stop at failure. GH is also essential for fat burning.

What to do: Having a spotter who is knowledgeable about his work is essential to the success of forced rep training. At the end of a set, the goal is two to four forced reps, not 8 to 10. As a result, the spotter shouldn’t be doing too much and should take on less work. He should make you put in a lot of effort during each forced rep, giving you just enough help to get past your problem. However, the spotter shouldn’t make you work so hard on the concentric portion that each rep takes five seconds.

Example: Shoulder Forced Rep Workout
    •    Barbell Overhead Press – 4 sets, 8* reps. Rest 2-3 min.
    •    Smith Machine Upright Row – 3 sets, 10-12* reps. Rest 2 min.
    •    Barbell Front Raise – 3 sets, 10-12* reps. Rest 2 min.
    •    Cable Lateral Raise – 3 sets, 12-15* reps. Rest 1-2 min.